Member-only story
Believe those who believe in you
Know when it is time for a change
This week, I accepted a new position. My current job role had become very stale, and it was time for a change.
I had been searching for a new job for over a year. Any job seeker knows the frustrations and self-doubts that come with applying, interviewing, and waiting for responses they may or may not get. It can be a real ego-bruiser.
The interview went very well. It was probably the only time I did not second-guess myself in hindsight with the “I should have answered that question differently” kind of thoughts.
But it was a comment the hiring director made after the interview that really hit home. She said I did a great job and added, “You would make a really good leader.”
It was a huge compliment that lifted my spirits. However, I was realistic enough not to presume the job would be mine.
Then, the very next day, during a meeting, my current boss told me, “You may be ready for a leader role in a few years.”
Excuse me?
The day before, a director with over 20 years experience, a reputation for being a good judge of character, and who has seen my past work told me that I would make a really good leader — not maybe — not in a few years —but now.